Mazel Tov to Maxwell Hudson

Maxwell’s bar mitzvah journey began a couple of years ago when we figured out when his Hebrew birthday was and then planned his Bar Mitzvah celebration for a Shabbos in December 2020.
The studying of his Torah portion, Mikeitz began and unbeknownst to us, Covid came and lasted for way longer than anyone could have imagined. The December Bar Mitzvah became Presidents weekend, then Memorial Day weekend and finally the date of Monday, June 7 was settled on.
By the time the date was finalized it gave us a FULL 7 weeks to learn, study and practice the Monday Torah reading that consisted of 14 verses. We strategized and set out a goal of mastering 2 verses a week.
Maxwell and I rolled up our sleeves and got to work. We originally made up to meet up on Zoom twice a week, on Monday and Thursday nights. After our first study session, Maxwell asked if we can study the next day, which I happily agreed to. Before we knew it, we were studying almost every day, either on Zoom or on the phone. After 2 and half weeks of virtual studying, he got his own pair of tefillin. As wrapping tefillin over Zoom doesn’t quite work, we segued to in-person studying. The next 4 and half weeks became a daily (except on Shabbos) in-person studying session of wrapping tefillin, practicing his Torah portion and writing his speech.
It was an amazing 7 weeks for me personally. What could be better than to engage with a young Jewish teen preparing him for his momentous milestone through studying and learning and having him embrace every second of it?!?! As I said at the Bar Mitzvah ceremony, “It was a ‘labor of love’ for me”. Maxwell certainly answered the call of the hour and embraced this beautiful 7 week journey we enjoyed together. As Maxwell remarked to me on several occasions, “This went by so quickly”.
Maxwell made us all proud and it was quite apparent to everyone, whether in person or on Zoom, that his hard work and effort paid off as he wrapped his tefillin, chanted his Torah portion and read his speech flawlessly on his Bar Mitzvah day. G-d willing this is just the beginning of Maxwell’s Jewish journey that he will continue to travel throughout his life.
Mazel Tov to Maxwell, his parents- Matt and Melissa, his sister- Harper and to all his grandparents!!! May we merit to continue and share in many more simchas and joyous occasions together!!!

Preparing for the BIG day

Bar Mitzvah Day


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